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Etienne Minvielle
π Health and biotech π Science and technology

How we can better predict future epidemics

Etienne Minvielle, CNRS Research Director and Professor of Health Management at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Antoine Flahault, PhD in biomathematics
Capture d’écran 2024-01-09 à 11.01.26
π Planet π Industry π Science and technology

The silent peril of forever chemicals

Stéphane Vuilleumier, Professor of Microbiology and Environmental Biology at Université de Strasbourg, Michaël Ryckelynck, Professor of Biochemistry at Université de Strasbourg
Jeannine Berg
π Digital π Society π Geopolitics

The ways AI will change the future of work

Janine Berg, Economist with the International Labour Organisation (UN)
π Videos π Science and technology π Economics

Blockchain: technology is improving but regulation still inadequate

Daniel Augot, Research Director at Inria and Co-head of the Blockchain Chair, Xavier De Boissieu, Founder of Quadratic Labs
Anne de bortoli
π Energy π Planet

What is the carbon footprint of electric bikes?

Anne De Bortoli, Carbon neutrality researcher at Polytechnique Montréal
Anthony Sladen
π Science and technology π Planet

Why are scientists honing in on telecommunications cables at the bottom of the sea?

Anthony Sladen, CNRS Researcher at Université Côte d'Azur
Thomas Harrundt
π Science and technology π Digital

Biocomputing: the promise of biological computing

Thomas Hartung, Director of the Centres for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) and editor-in-chief of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Thierry Berthier
π Science and technology π Geopolitics

"It is virtually impossible to defend against drones"

Thierry Berthier, Scientific director of the European professional federation for security drones
Eric Moulines
π Videos π Science and technology π Digital π Society

ChatGPT, Midjourney: everything you need to know about generative AI

Éric Moulines, Professor of Statistical Learning at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Hatim Bourfoune, AI research engineer at IDRIS (CNRS), Pierre Cornette, AI support engineer at IDRIS (CNRS)
Lauriane Batté
π Planet π Energy π Industry

Climate change: why is El Niño “acting up”?

Lauriane Batté, Head of the Climatic Analysis and Monitoring Department at Météo-France, Juliette Mignot, Oceanographer at Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)