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Bernard Claverie, Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Sciences at Bordeaux Institute of Technology
On February 5th, 2025Cognitive warfare explores the potential manipulation by hostile actors using cognitive science, such as propaganda and disinformation.
Laurent Meijer, Former CNRS Unit Director and Founder of start-up Perha Pharmaceuticals, Brigitte Fauroux , Professor of Pneumo-pediatrics at Necker Hospital
On February 5th, 2025Today, research is looking into the possibility of treating the intellectual disability associated with Down's syndrome.
Hervé Douville, Researcher at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM)
On February 5th, 2025Mathieu Xémard, project leader at Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Études pour la Défense et la Sécurité (IP Paris)
On January 29th, 2025China's monopoly on rare earths raises the question of possible solutions for diversifying this market to the benefit of international players.
Damien Lacroux, philosopher of science and researcher at the UNESCO Chair in the Ethics of the Living and the Artificial
On January 29th, 2025The aim of the MIRACLE project is to identify the risk of recurrence in lung cancer patients, using an algorithm to aid medical decision-making.
Christophe Gaie, Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office, Jean Langlois-Berthelot, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Head of Division in the French Army
On January 29th, 2025Katrin Millock, CNRS research director at Paris School of Economics, and lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
On January 22nd, 2025Climate change has direct and indirect effects on migration: destruction of property, reduced agricultural productivity, etc.
Jan Polcher, Research Director at the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (CNRS) and lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
On January 22nd, 2025With global warming, periods of extreme rainfall are intensifying, but it remains difficult to predict future flood risks with any accuracy.
Grégoire Borst, Professor of Psychology at Université Paris Cité
On January 22nd, 2025On June 5th, 2024
What is quantum physics? What are the applications of quantum technologies? Dive into the universe of the infinitely small with this issue of 3.14.
Philippe Lognonné, Professor at Université Paris Cité and at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
On January 15th, 2025Scientists are reporting on the first seismic signals measured on the planet Mars following NASA's InSight mission, launched in 2018.
Didier Dalmazzone, Professor of Chemistry and Processes at ENSTA (IP Paris)
On January 15th, 2025Renewable energies present storage challenges, particularly because of the intermittent and decentralised nature of their production.
Christophe Gaie, Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office, Jean Langlois-Berthelot, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Head of Division in the French Army
On January 15th, 2025Charlotte Emlinger , Economist at CEPII and Doctor in Economics at Montpellier SupAgro, Mathieu Parenti, Professor at Paris School of Economics and Researcher at INRAE
On January 8th, 2025The EU-Mercosur free trade agreement has been fuelling public debate for several weeks now: how can we sort out the real from the fake?
Simon Mittelberger, Climatologist at Météo-France specialising in Water Resources, Bertrand Decharme, CNRS Research Director at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM), Eric Sauquet, Research Director in Hydrology at INRAE
On January 8th, 2025In France, the spring of 2024 was the 4th wettest on record since 1959, raising questions about the link between rainfall and climate change caused by human activities.
Guillaume Airagnes, Lecturer at Université Paris Cité, Amine Benyamina, Professor at Paris Saclay Faculty of Medicine
On January 8th, 2025Gwenn Menvielle, Research Director in Post-Cancer at Inserm, Aurore Loretti, Lecturer at ETHICS Laboratory's Medical Ethics Centre at Université Catholique de Lille
On December 10th, 2024Cancer is the leading cause of death in France, and more often affects people from poorer social backgrounds than advantaged ones.
Laurent Mortier, Professor at ENSTA (IP Paris)
On December 10th, 2024Against a backdrop of climate and biodiversity crises, ocean observation is of vital importance today.
Pierre-Alexis Geoffroy, Professor of Medicine at Université Paris-Cité, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Laboratory Director and Researcher at Institut Pasteur and INRIA
On December 10th, 2024Guillaume Hollard, Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris), Camille Peugny, Professor of Sociology at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
On November 29th, 2024In France, inequalities in education are increasing throughout the schooling process and are fuelling social inequality.
Hervé Douville, Researcher at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM)
Simon Mittelberger, Climatologist at Météo-France specialising in Water Resources , Bertrand Decharme, CNRS Research Director at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM) , Eric Sauquet, Research Director in Hydrology at INRAE
Jan Polcher, Research Director at the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (CNRS) and lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique (...
Pilar Acosta, Professor in Management of Innovation at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Juan Diego Avila Hurtado, Master's Student at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Hector Bonnel, Master's Student at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Alexander Bracklo, Master's Student at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Mathieu Xémard, project leader at Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Études pour la Défense et la Sécurité (IP Paris)
Emmanuel Hache, Assistant and Economist-Prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and Research Director at IRIS , Candice Roche, Research Fellow in Geopolitics of Metals and Ecological Transition at IFPEN , Vincent d’Herbemont, Civil engineer in the economics and environmental assessment department at IFP énergies nouvelles
María Eugenia Sanin, Lecturer in economics at Université Paris Saclay and coordinator of the Sectoral Policies group at t... , Olivier Perrin, Partner in the energy, resources and industry sector at Deloitte
Emmanuel Hache, Assistant and Economist-Prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and Research Director at IRIS
Anna Creti, Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, Director of Climate Economics Chair and Associate Direct...
Olivier Massol, Professor at the Centre for Energy Economics and Management at IFP School
Patrice Geoffron, Professor at the University of Paris-Dauphine and Director of Center of Energy and Climate Change Ec...
Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of the Energy & Climate Centre at the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri...
María Eugenia Sanin, Lecturer in economics at Université Paris Saclay and coordinator of the Sectoral Policies group at t...
Grégoire Borst, Professor of Psychology at Université Paris Cité
Anne Muxel, Research Director of Sociology and Political Science Research at CNRS (CEVIPOF/Sciences Po)
Catherine Rolland, Project Manager for the Science and Video Games Chair at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Guillaume Bronsard, Child and adolescent psychiatrist at Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Didier Dalmazzone, Professor of Chemistry and Processes at ENSTA (IP Paris)
Patricia Crifo, Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Ao Li, Master's Student at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Wenrui Dai, Master's Student at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Inès Glangeaud, Master's Student at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
James Quach, Chief Scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Austral...
María Eugenia Sanin, Lecturer in economics at Université Paris Saclay and coordinator of the Sectoral Policies group at t...
Nicolas Duvoux, Professor of Sociology at Université Paris VIII
Guillaume Hollard, Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Camille Peugny, Professor of Sociology at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Gwenn Menvielle, Research Director in Post-Cancer at Inserm , Aurore Loretti, Lecturer at ETHICS Laboratory's Medical Ethics Centre at Université Catholique de Lille
Emmanuel Hache, Assistant and Economist-Prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and Research Director at IRIS , Émilie Normand, Economist Engineer, Head of Research at IFP Énergies nouvelles , Candice Roche, Research Fellow in Geopolitics of Metals and Ecological Transition at IFPEN
Florian Besson, Geological Engineer at Ifremer
Ewan Pelleter, Researcher in Marine Geosciences at Ifremer
Lénaick Menot, Researcher in the Deep Environment Laboratory at Ifremer
Laurent Mortier, Professor at ENSTA (IP Paris)
Claire Mounier-Vehier, Professor of Vascular Medicine and Head of Department at CHU of Lille, Heart-Lung Institute
Shannon Dunn, Associate Professor of the Department of Immunology at the University of Toronto
Canan Dagdeviren, Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT Media Lab
Juliana Antero, Epidemiological researcher at the Institut national du sport de l'expertise et de la performance
Krina Zondervan, Professor of Reproductive & Genomic Epidemiology at Oxford University
Armelle Rancillac, Researcher in Neuroscience at Inserm and Collège de France
William Wisden, Professor at Imperial College London, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Societ...
Jean-Philippe Empana, Physician and INSERM Research Director at Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC)
Jean-François Delfraissy, Chairman of the French National Consultative Ethics Committee
Jean-Marc Lemaître, INSERM Research Director at Institut de Médecine régénératrice et Biothérapie de Montpellier (IRMB)
Anne-Marie Guillemard, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Université de Paris-Cité
Cédric Tard, CNRS Research Director and Professor at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Alexandre Magnan, Senior Researcher in "Adaptation to Climate Change" at Institut du Développement Durable et des Rela... , Jean-Pierre Gattuso, CNRS Research Director in Oceanography at Sorbonne Université and IDDRI-Sciences Po &nb...
Laurent Bopp, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratoire de Météorologue Dynamique of the Institut Pierre-Simon Lap... , T. Alan Hatton, Ralph Landau Professor of Chemical Engineering Practice at MIT
Hamilton Mann, Group Vice President of Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation at Thales and Senior Lecturer a... , Cornelia C. Walther, Senior Visiting Scientist at Wharton Initiative for Neuroscience (WiN) , Michael Platt, Director of the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative and a Professor of Marketing, Neuroscience, and Psyc...
Stephan Clémençon, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Télécom Paris (IP Paris)
Isabelle Bloch, Professor at Sorbonne University (Chair in Artificial Intelligence)
Lê Nguyên Hoang, Co-founder and President of Tournesol.app , Victor Berger, Post-doctoral researcher at CEA Saclay , Giada Pistilli, PhD student at Sorbonne University affiliated with the CNRS Science, Norms, Democracy laboratory
Véronique Steyer, Associate Professor in Innovation Management at École Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Milie Taing, Founder and CEO of Lili.ai
Daniel Andler, Professor emeritus in Philosophy of Science at Sorbonne Université , Maxime Amblard, Professor of Computer Science at Université de Lorraine , Annabelle Blangero, PhD in Neuroscience and Data Science Manager at Ekimetrics
Eric Sauquet, Research Director in Hydrology at INRAE
Patricia Crifo, Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Maxime Elkington, Masters student in "Economics for smart cities and climate policy" at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Hervé Douville, Researcher at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM) , Bertrand Decharme, CNRS Research Director at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM)
Marine Colon, Lecturer at AgroParisTech and Researcher in Public Management , Stéphanie Dos Santos, Sociologist and demographer at IRD Population Environment Development Laboratory
Éric Servat, Director of UNESCO International Centre for Water
Nassim Ait Mouheb, Researcher at INRAE , Corinne Cabassud , Professor emeritus at INSA Toulouse and Researcher at Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI)
Clémentine Mutillod, PhD student at the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology at Avignon Université , Simon Chollet, Lecturer at Université de Rennes
Denis Couvet, President of the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity and Professor at Muséum National d'Histoire...
Tania Louis, PhD in biology and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
Benoit Pisanu, Ecology researcher at MNHN
Jean Langlois-Berthelot, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Head of Division in the French Army , Christophe Gaie, Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office
Winston Maxwell, Director of Law and Digital Studies at Télécom Paris (IP Paris)
Félicien Vallet, Head of the AI department at the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) (Fren...
Henri Verdier, Ambassador for the Digital Sector and founding member of the Cap Digital competitiveness cluster
Johanna Ayrault, Postdoctoral researcher at École des MINES Paristech
Olivier Sala, Vice-Chairman of ENGIE Group, in charge of research and innovation , Jordi Badosa, Technical director of the interdisciplinary Energy4Climate centre in the Dynamic Meteorology Laborat...
Johanna Ayrault, Postdoctoral researcher at École des MINES Paristech
Farah Doumit, PhD student at the Centre for Management Research (I³-CRG*) at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Victor Court, Lecturer at IFP School and Research Associate at Chaire Énergie & Prospérité
Gaël Richard, Professor at Télécom Paris (IP Paris) and Scientific Co-director of the Hi! PARIS interdisciplinary ...
Geoffroy Peeters, Professor of Data Science at Télécom Paris (IP Paris)
Titus Zaharia, Professor at Télécom SudParis (IP Paris) , Marius Preda, Associate Professor at Institut MINES-Télécom
Marie-Paule Cani, Professor of Computer Science at École Polytechnique (IP Paris) and member of the Académie des Scien...
Thierry Berthier, Scientific director of the European professional federation for security drones
Léo Péria-Peigné, researcher at the Ifri Centre for Security Studies
Laure Colin, PhD student at the Centre for Management Research (I³-CRG*) at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Lucie Liversain, PhD student at I³-CRG* at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
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