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π Digital π Society π Science and technology

Museum metaverses promise to redefine the cultural experience

Titus Zaharia, Professor at Télécom SudParis (IP Paris), Marius Preda, Associate Professor at Institut MINES-Télécom

On June 4th, 2024
4 min reading time

Digitising works of art helps to preserve cultural heritage, make art collections accessible and reinvent museum experiences.

Christophe Gaie
π Digital

Using epidemiology to combat cyberthreats

Christophe Gaie, Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office, Jean Langlois-Berthelot, Doctor of Applied Mathematics, Jean-Fabrice Lebraty, Professor of Management Science at iaelyon

On May 22nd, 2024
4 min reading time
π Digital

4 myths surrounding generative AI

Thierry Rayna, Researcher at the CNRS i³-CRG* laboratory and Professor at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Erwan Le Pennec, Professor at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)

On April 3rd, 2024
5 min reading time

Many myths and fabrications surround generative AI, even though it will make human expertise more necessary than ever.

π Health and biotech π Digital π Society

Algorithms, a major tool in the quest for “ageing well”

Etienne Minvielle, CNRS Research Director and Professor of Health Management at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris) , Yves Rolland, Professor of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the Gerontopôle of Toulouse, Olivier Guerin, Professor at the Université Côte d'Azur and member of the President of the Republic's scientific council

On March 6th, 2024
4 min reading time

Since the 1960s, human life expectancy has increased rapidly, but the years gained do not always go hand in hand with a “good quality of life”.

π Science and technology π Digital

Demystifying generative AI: true, false, uncertain

Laure Soulier, Senior Lecturer at Sorbonne University in the "Machine Learning and Information Access" team

On February 7th, 2024
4 min reading time

Is generative AI an intelligent revolution? Should we be wary of it? Find out in this article.

π Digital π Society

Will we live on in the form of virtual avatars?

Laurence Devillers, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Sorbonne University

On February 7th, 2024
5 min reading time

What happens to a person’s digital data after they die? Advances in AI have taken the digital preservation of the dead to a new level.