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π Society

Should we really be worried about France's declining fertility rate?

Hervé Le Bras, Research director in demographics at EHESS and Emeritus research director at Ined

On July 3rd, 2024
5 min reading time

Since 2023, the birth rate has plummeted, and a European family model may be taking shape.

π Planet π Society

Can we really measure the ecological footprint of the Olympics?

Marie Delaplace, Emeritus Professor of Spatial Planning at Université Gustave Eiffel, Martin Müller, Professor of Geography at the University of Lausanne

On June 18th, 2024
4 min reading time

The organizers of the Paris Olympics are promising to halve CO2 emissions, a promise that has never been kept by previous Games.

π Digital π Society π Science and technology

Museum metaverses promise to redefine the cultural experience

Titus Zaharia, Professor at Télécom SudParis (IP Paris), Marius Preda, Associate Professor at Institut MINES-Télécom

On June 4th, 2024
4 min reading time

Digitising works of art helps to preserve cultural heritage, make art collections accessible and reinvent museum experiences.

π Neuroscience π Society

IQ: can intelligence really be measured?

Jacques Grégoire, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Louvain

On May 22nd, 2024
5 min reading time

IQ is a relative measure of intelligence that is subject to many vagaries.

π Society π Science and technology

Are we moving towards global regulation of AI?

Henri Verdier, Ambassador for the Digital Sector and founding member of the Cap Digital competitiveness cluster

On May 14th, 2024
5 min reading time

AI is a technology with innumerable promises, but its use presents a number of pitfalls that need to be monitored.

π Health and biotech π Society

“Sport brings as much to science as science brings to sport”

Vincent Nougier, Professor at Grenoble Alpes University and former Head of the CNRS Sport & Activité Physique research group

On April 30th, 2024
5 min reading time

Sport studies help to optimize performance or understand the physical characteristics of the terrestrial world.