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Foresight: understanding the methodology

π Economics

Economics: why Europe is falling behind the USA

Patrick Artus, Head Economist at Natixis

On June 11th, 2024
3 min reading time

Europe's economic deficit relative to the USA is impacting its tax revenues and attractiveness to foreign investors.

Emmanuel Hache
π Geopolitics π Economics

The BRICS+: economic alliance or future private club of raw materials?

Emmanuel Hache, Assistant and Economist-Prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and Research Director at IRIS, Candice Roche, Research Fellow in Geopolitics of Metals and Ecological Transition at IFPEN

On May 14th, 2024
7 min reading time
π Economics π Energy π Industry

Saudi Arabia, a future mining power?

Emmanuel Hache, Assistant and Economist-Prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and Research Director at IRIS, Candice Roche, Research Fellow in Geopolitics of Metals and Ecological Transition at IFPEN, Vincent d’Herbemont, Civil engineer in the economics and environmental assessment department at IFP énergies nouvelles

On April 16th, 2024
7 min reading time

Through its "Vision 2030" project, Saudi Arabia is demonstrating its ambition to become a leader in low-carbon technologies.

Manuela Dupre
π Geopolitics π Planet π Economics

Climate adaptation: why private investment is needed

Manuela Dupré, Master's student in "Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy" at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris), Patricia Crifo, Professor of Economics at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Researcher at CREST (CNRS) and Associate Researcher at CIRANO

On February 27th, 2024
7 min reading time
π Videos π Science and technology π Economics

Blockchain: technology is improving but regulation still inadequate

Daniel Augot, Research Director at Inria and Co-head of the Blockchain Chair, Xavier De Boissieu, Founder of Quadratic Labs

On December 5th, 2023
4 min reading time

Blockchain is a technology that enables decentralised infrastructures. This promising technology is still limited, kindling both enthusiasm and questions.

π Economics π Science and technology

AI, a weapon against tax fraud

Christophe Gaie, Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office

On October 3rd, 2023
4 min reading time

Fraud accounts for a significant proportion of the tax gap. Artificial intelligence tools could help detect it.