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Man asleep with a glowing blue brain and electrical currents symbolizing the connection between sleep dreams and the brains neural activity in a digital art representation of the subconscious mind
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What happens in our brains during sleep?

William Wisden
William Wisden
Professor at Imperial College London, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society
Key takeaways
  • Sleep is one of the most fundamental human functions, but researcher is still lacking.
  • The hypothesis that we sleep to cleanse our brains of toxins may not be so obvious.
  • Research is starting to offer clues as to how our bodies keep track of sleep deprivation over time.
  • Certain molecules, such as interleukin 6 and adenosine, are involved in regulating sleep in response to exhaustion.
  • This research could also help develop better sleeping pills, which could induce biomimetic deep sleep.

There are few expe­ri­ences more uni­fy­ing than sleep. Sci­en­tists have nev­er found a human who does not sleep. And for that mat­ter, no one has ever, delib­er­ate­ly or acci­den­tal­ly, made a mouse mod­el that can eschew sleep entire­ly. Sleep puts ani­mals in an intense­ly vul­ner­a­ble state — while sleep­ing they could be attacked, injured, or eat­en — but evo­lu­tion has not done away with it, sug­gest­ing it is essen­tial to sur­vival. Still, despite intense aca­d­e­m­ic scruti­ny, researchers are still ask­ing them­selves: what does sleep actu­al­ly do?

#1 Our brains get cleaned during sleep.

TRUE – Sleep helps the brain to rid itself of toxins.

There is no clear con­sen­sus about why we need to sleep, but one influ­en­tial hypoth­e­sis, sup­port­ed by a paper pub­lished in Sci­ence in 2013, is that sleep helps the brain flush out its toxins.

The lymph sys­tem cleans organs like the heart and liv­er, but researchers have nev­er found an equiv­a­lent process in the brain. In 2013, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Rochester’s Maiken Ned­er­gaard and col­leagues pro­posed the exis­tence of the glym­phat­ic sys­tem, a process by which cere­brospinal flu­id (CSF) puls­es into the brain to wash out harm­ful tox­ins. Notably, they found this process increased dur­ing non-REM sleep.

This hypoth­e­sis was based on a sophis­ti­cat­ed exper­i­men­tal set­up. A flu­o­res­cent dye inject­ed in the cis­ter­na magna of a mouse, an area out­side of the brain where CSF is found, allowed them to track the dye mol­e­cules as they entered the brain. Their obser­va­tions sug­gest­ed that CSF flowed like a riv­er in a con­vec­tive flow dri­ven by the pul­sa­tions of the arteries.

This impor­tant work became a cita­tion clas­sic. But it was nev­er real­ly chal­lenged, in part because the exper­i­men­tal approach was difficult.

FALSE – The brain doesn’t clean itself as effectively at night as it does during the day.

Our recent exper­i­men­tal study, pub­lished in Nature Neu­ro­science1 sug­gests that the brain isn’t clean­ing itself as effec­tive­ly at night as it is dur­ing the day. 

Like Ned­er­gaard and col­leagues, we inject­ed a dye into a mouse’s brain. But this time, the flu­o­res­cent mol­e­cule (AF488 (~570 Da)) was deliv­ered to the mid­dle of the brain, the cau­date-puta­men, and tracked as it spread through the brain.

By com­par­ing our obser­va­tions to a math­e­mat­i­cal mod­el estab­lished by paper co-author Prof. Nick Franks, we found that the dye moved towards the frontal cor­tex at a rate that is con­sis­tent with sim­ple dif­fu­sion. Impor­tant­ly, we saw no evi­dence of a con­vec­tive flow in the brain, and this did not change with the mouse’s vig­i­lance state (we stud­ied mice that were awake, sleep­ing, or anaes­thetized with 200 μg per kg of dexmedeto­mi­dine, a mol­e­cule that induces an arti­fi­cial non-REM-like sleep).

Does this mean the Ned­er­gaard paper was wrong? We think their obser­va­tions were cor­rect, but we dis­agree with their inter­pre­ta­tion. There are black box mech­a­nisms that clear metabo­lites from the brain—we don’t know how they work, but we know they are there. Our obser­va­tions sug­gest these clear­ance mech­a­nisms work more intense­ly dur­ing the day, sug­gest­ing that the brain is actu­al­ly clean­ing itself less dur­ing sleep and anaes­the­sia. That would explain why Ned­er­gaard saw brighter waves of dye in the sleep­ing mice — the brain wasn’t flush­ing the dye out.

To some extent, this is log­i­cal. Dur­ing wak­ing hours, the brain is work­ing hard­er, so it wouldn’t make sense for clear­ance to be delayed till sleep. But that means you can’t explain sleep with brain cleaning.

INTERESTING – Other mechanisms could be at play during sleep.

There’s good evi­dence, for instance, that acute sleep depri­va­tion ele­vates amy­loid and tau, pro­teins linked with Alzheimer’s dis­ease and demen­tia. Poor sleep may mean less clear­ance of these big­ger pro­teins or more plaque buildup. We have to investigate.

#2 We know what makes us sleepy.

TRUE – The brain tracks how long you’ve been awake and how much sleep you need to recover.

This process, called sleep home­osta­sis, is quite well doc­u­ment­ed. Mice are usu­al­ly con­stant­ly nap­ping, but if you put a new object in their enclo­sure, like a colour­ful Lego brick, they will be so inter­est­ed that they will post­pone sleep until, like us, they crash. They’ll then enter a longer, deep­er, recov­ery sleep.

We know how this is hap­pen­ing to some extent. This acti­vates cer­tain neu­rons in the base of the brain and in the cor­tex, which help track that deficit. We showed2 that elim­i­nat­ing those neu­rons means the mice no longer catch up on the sleep lost after deprivation.

FALSE – We hoped that once we found that circuitry, we would figure out how the brain keeps track of how much time we’ve been awake.

But of course, it’s not that sim­ple. The neu­rons are not act­ing on their own. We’re deal­ing with a soup of organ­ic mol­e­cules that inter­act with sleep deprivation.

One such mol­e­cule is inter­leukin 6 (IL‑6), an inflam­ma­to­ry pro­tein and a known somno­gen. You’ll feel its effect if you’ve been doing a long walk or a whole day or cycling — large mus­cles release IL‑6 dur­ing sus­tained exer­cise. When it reach­es the brain, it induces sleep. We know, for instance, that IL‑6 increas­es in response to sleep loss3.

Anoth­er such mol­e­cule is the famous adeno­sine, which is left over after the ener­gy mol­e­cule adeno­sine triphos­phate is used up. Researchers have found that adeno­sine accu­mu­lates dur­ing the day and builds up sleep pres­sure4. Lev­els also increase in some brain regions after sleep depri­va­tion, so it may par­tial­ly track sleep need. Still, it’s like­ly that oth­er mol­e­cules are play­ing into this mix. We don’t have a uni­fied picture

INTERESTING – The role of circuits that track sleep requirements.

The hope is that by under­stand­ing the cir­cuits that track sleep needs, we can work out what it replen­ish­es and, by exten­sion, what it does for the body. One of the most inter­est­ing ques­tions is whether sleep is for the brain, the body, or both. My per­son­al hypoth­e­sis is that sleep may help pro­tect the heart, but that’s far from a con­sen­sus view.

#3 Drugs can help us get over tiredness.

TRUE – Some seem to induce a biomimetic state of deep sleep.

There’s inter­est­ing research going on in the sleep field about a class of drugs called alpha‑2 adren­er­gic ago­nists. One of these, dexmedeto­mi­dine, is now being used in the US — and increas­ing­ly in Europe — to induce a state of arous­able seda­tion for patients in inten­sive care services.

Most gen­er­al anaes­thet­ics, like propo­fol or isoflu­rane, stop neu­rons from talk­ing to each oth­er all over the brain, to induce a state, gen­er­al anes­the­sia, that does not resem­ble sleep. But dexmedeto­mi­dine, seems to induce a bio­mimet­ic state of deep sleep.

Intrigu­ing­ly, recent work5 in humans found that sleep-deprived vol­un­teers treat­ed with dexmedeto­mi­dine can par­tial­ly replace their lost sleep. This is con­sis­tent with oth­er results — sci­en­tists in St. Louis and Boston have shown6 that the brain­waves of vol­un­teers on dexmedeto­mi­dine with resem­ble non-REM sleep. Our work has also shown7 that dexmedeto­mi­dine inter­acts with the neu­rons involved in this sleep home­osta­sis system.

FALSE – Some sleeping pills can put you to sleep, but it’s not clear how restorative that sleep is.

Ambi­en (Zolpi­dem) for instance is a very good sleep drug that induces a non-REM-like sleep and reduces the time it takes to get to sleep. But it’s not clear whether sleep­ing with Ambi­en can restore you.

INTERESTING – Dexmedetomidine can not be used as a home medication.

The drug binds recep­tors found in the heart and on blood ves­sels, so an impor­tant com­pli­ca­tion is that the heart rate shoots down, and you get very cold. It can only be used under the sur­veil­lance of an anesthesiologist.

How­ev­er, our work and that of oth­ers, sug­gests we could tweak the drug to devel­op a bet­ter sleep­ing pill in the future. This could also help us bet­ter under­stand what mech­a­nisms play into restora­tive sleep.

Marianne Guenot
4https://medicine.yale.edu/internal-medicine/pulmonary/news/national-sleep-week/good-sleep-recipe/#:~:text=Adenosine is a byprod­uct of to fall asleep at bed­time.

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