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π Society π Health and biotech

Ageing as a disease: a new paradigm in medicine?

Jean-Marc Lemaître, INSERM Research Director at Institut de Médecine régénératrice et Biothérapie de Montpellier (IRMB)
Pierre Henriquet
π Space π Economics

New Space: the changing face of the space industry

Pierre Henriquet, Doctor in Nuclear Physics and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
Philippe Silberzhan
π Economics π Society

Three beliefs that hold companies back in the face of crises

Philippe Silberzahn, Professor of Strategy at Emlyon Business School
Tania Louis
π Health and biotech π Science and technology

Metagenomics: a new way to study biodiversity at the microscopic level

Tania Louis, PhD in biology and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
π Geopolitics π Digital π Society

Ukraine: disinformation on the battleground of a hybrid war

Carole Grimaud, Expert at the Geneva Geostrategic Observatory and Lecturer in Geopolitics of Russia at Université Paul Valéry, Arnaud Mercier, Professor of Information and Communication at Institut Français de Presse (University of Paris 2 - Assas)
Fanny Mousseau
π Health and biotech π Science and technology

Covid, pregnancy, heart attack: how to improve tests

Fanny Mousseau, postdoctoral researcher at LOB* at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
π Society π Economics

Why there is no scientific consensus on the “nudge” 

Daniel Priolo, Lecturer in Social Psychology at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Emma Tieffenbach, PhD in ethics and specialist in the ethics of donation, Audrey Chabal, Journalist and Author
π Energy π Planet

How can aviation possibly meet climate targets? 

Jérôme Fontane, Lecturer in the Aerodynamics, Energetics and Propulsion Department of ISAE-SUPAERO, Thomas Planès, PhD student at ISAE-SUPAERO
Denis Couvet
π Planet

Agroecology: the path to agricultural biodiversity

Denis Couvet, President of the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity and Professor at Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
π Digital π Economics

Researchers are using Google to forecast economic activity

Anna Simoni, CNRS Director of Research at CREST and Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at ENSAE (IP Pairs)