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Jean-Gabriel Ganascia researches computer science and artificial intelligence. In 1983, he defended a doctoral thesis on knowledge-based systems at the University of Paris-Sud (Orsay), and in 1987, still at the University of Paris-Sud, a State thesis on symbolic learning. Professor of computer science at the Faculty of Science of Sorbonne University, he continues his research at LIP6 where he leads the ACASA team. A specialist in artificial intelligence (EurAI Fellow), machine learning and data mining, his current research focuses on the literary side of digital humanities, on computational ethics and on the ethics of information and communication technologies. He is a member of the CNPEN (Comité National Pilote d'Éthique du Numérique), president of the COMETS (Comité d'éthique du CNRS) and of the orientation committee of the CHEC (Cycle des Hautes Études de la Culture).