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Marie-Paul Cani

Marie-Paule Cani

Professor of computer science at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), member of the Académie des Sciences

A graduate of the ENS, Marie-Paule Cani joined École Polytechnique in 2017 after more than twenty years at Grenoble INP, where she set up and led two Inria teams within CNRS UMRs. Her research, in the field of computer graphics, focuses on the expressive synthesis of animated virtual worlds: the aim is to design 3D representations, animation algorithms and interaction metaphors, enabling the intuitive creation and effective visual simulation of complex interacting objects. A former chair of the Computer Science Department at École Polytechnique and head of the Modelling Simulation & Learning division of LIX laboratory, she is a fellow of Hi!Paris AI research centre and a founding member of SPIRAL Art-Sciences research centre at Paris Institute of Technology.