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Pierre-Pol Liebgott

Pierre-Pol Liebgott

Researcher in Microbiology at IRD

A researcher at the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), Pierre-Pol specialises in biochemistry and microbial ecology. Using hydrothermal sources, he enriches and studies the biotechnological capacities of thermophilic micro-organisms with a view to optimising the production of biohydrogen and electrofuels by obscure fermentation and bioelectrochemistry. He is also studying the thermophilic electroactive biodiversity present in various ecosystems. Pierre-Pol LIEBGOTT is in charge of an International Joint Laboratory (LMI BIOTEC H2) between Tunisia and France, focusing on the conversion of agri-food waste into biohydrogen. This LMI BIOTEC H2 focuses its research on the biohydrogen (bioenergy) sector, from the recovery of biowaste to the storage of biohydrogen, via a stage of optimisation of the transformation of organic matter.