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Emmanuel Hache is Scientific Assistant and Economist-Prospector at IFP Énergies nouvelles and Research Director at IRIS. He holds a doctorate in economics from University of Paris I and is qualified to direct research at University of Paris-Nanterre. He also holds a degree in Geopolitics and Foresight from the Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS). At IFP Énergies nouvelles, he works on energy foresight and critical materials, as well as on all issues relating to natural resources for the ecological transition. He teaches foresight, economics and geopolitics of natural resources at a number of institutions. He is also a research associate at Economix (EconomiX-CNRS, Université Paris Nanterre). He is the author of Géopolitique des énergies, published by Editions Eyrolles in September 2022, and Métaux, le nouvel or noir , co-written with Benjamin Louvet and published by Editions du Rocher in September 2023, as well as over eighty articles in French and international academic journals.