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Member of the Scientific Council of the Edgar Morin Chair of Complexity at ESSEC, associate member of the Chair on Otherness at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) in Paris, François L'Yvonnet divides his time between teaching, writing and publishing. Author of books on Simone Weil, Jean Baudrillard, Ernst Jünger and more recently François Julien, he has also published books of interviews with Jean-Pierre Changeux, André Comte-Sponville, Jean Baudrillard, as well as with the philosopher engineer Thierry Gaudin (L'Avenir de l'Esprit, Albin Michel, 2014). He directs the "Via Latina" series at Éditions Albin Michel and the Philosophy series of "Carnets" at L'Herne. He co-edits, with Marc Guillaume, the series "Dé-coïncidence" at Descartes & Cie.