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Olivier Gantois

Executive Chairman of Ufip Energies and Mobilities

Olivier Gantois joined the Shell Group in 1986 after graduating from the École polytechnique. He was a petroleum products trader, economist at the Petit-Couronne refinery, purchasing manager and then distribution manager for Butagaz, then supply manager for the Shell Group's European refineries. He was seconded to Ufip Énergies et Mobilités (Ufip EM) in 2005 as Director of Logistics and Distribution and became its Managing Director in 2010. In 2012, he returned to Shell as Director of Institutional Relations for Shell's activities in France and overseas, then Director of Strategic Relations with TotalEnergies and BP at the global level. He is appointed Executive Chairman of Ufip Energies and Mobilities as of February 1, 2020.