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Adam Mastroiani
π Society

Moral decline: why do we still think "things were better before"?

Adam Mastroianni, Postdoctoral Researcher at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management  
Digital Surveillance: Extreme Close-Up of Robotic or Bionic Eye with Advanced Circuitry
π Science and technology π Digital

5 breakthroughs made possible by quantum technologies

Etienne Minvielle
π Health and biotech π Science and technology π Videos

How digital technology will personalise healthcare

Etienne Minvielle, Director of the Centre de Recherche en Gestion at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris), Alexis Hernot, Co-founder and CEO of Calmedica
Marianne boix
π Science and technology π Industry π Energy π Planet

Solutions for producing greener steel

Marianne Boix, Lecturer at Toulouse INP-ENSIACET , Fabrice Patisson, CNRS researcher and Professor at Nancy Ecole des Mines and head of the Energy-Processes Masters at University of Lorraine
π Society π Industry π Economics

Case study: how Shell anticipated the 1973 oil crisis

Benjamin Cabanes, Lecturer at Mines Paris - PSL & at the MIE department of École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Orso Roger, Research Engineer at Institut des Hautes Etudes pour l'Innovation et l'Entrepreneuriat (IHEIE/PSL), Liliana Doganova, Researcher at Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation at Ecole des Mines de Paris
Laurent Berges
π Planet π Society

The effect of clear-cutting forests on the environment

Laurent Bergès, Research engineer at Ecosystems and Societies in Mountains Laboratory (LESSEM research unit) at INRAE Grenoble Centre, Jérôme Ogée, Researcher at INRAE specialising in interactions between climate and vegetation, Marion Gosselin, Ponts, Eaux et Forêts engineer at INRAE's "Forest Ecosystems" research unit (Nogent-sur-Vernisson)
Frank Ramus
π Society π Health and biotech π Neuroscience

Declining global IQ: reality or moral panic?

Franck Ramus, Director of research at CNRS and head of the "Cognitive Development and Pathology" team at Cognitive Sciences and Psycholinguistics Laboratory at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris
π Society

The scenario method: an aid to strategic planning

Benjamin Cabanes, Lecturer at Mines Paris - PSL & at the MIE department of École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Orso Roger, Research Engineer at Institut des Hautes Etudes pour l'Innovation et l'Entrepreneuriat (IHEIE/PSL), Liliana Doganova, Researcher at Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation at Ecole des Mines de Paris
Sophie Hermanns
π Science and technology π Digital

Towards a quantum internet thanks to teleportation

Sophie Hermans, AWS Quantum Postdoctoral Scholar at IQIM (Caltech)
Patrice Georget
π Digital π Society π Neuroscience

Can we develop our intuition to counter misinformation?

Patrice Georget, Lecturer in Psychosociology at the University School of Management IAE Caen