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Young pretty sporty girl playing table tennis on black
π Science and technology

How science can improve sporting performance

Romain Vuillemot
Romain Vuillemot
Lecturer in Computer Science at École Centrale de Lyon
Aymeric Erades
PhD student at École Centrale de Lyon
Key takeaways
  • Researchers are studying table tennis to understand the techniques involved in the game and improve player performance, particularly in the run-up to the 2024 Olympic Games.
  • They use an algorithm to analyse videos of matches and then represent rallies in the form of a graph.
  • In this way, they can characterise the position of the players, the way they move when they hit a ball, and the movement and trajectory of the ball.
  • Unlike other sports, table tennis is very synchronous, which means that stroke sequences are strongly correlated with player behaviour.
  • The analyses from this study will enable players adjust their game relative to their opponents and improve their own strategies.

Table ten­nis, a pop­u­lar rack­et sport, has been an Olympic dis­ci­pline since 1988. It is also a sub­ject for aca­d­e­m­ic study in which uni­ver­si­ty researchers analyse the pat­terns and tac­tics in the game to improve play­ers’ com­pet­i­tive per­for­mance. Researchers at the École Cen­trale Lyon’s Lab­o­ra­toire d’in­for­ma­tique en images et sys­tèmes d’in­for­ma­tion (LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS) are work­ing in close col­lab­o­ra­tion with the French Table Ten­nis Fed­er­a­tion (FFTT), the body respon­si­ble for man­ag­ing table ten­nis in France and pro­vid­ing tech­ni­cal sup­port to the high­est-lev­el play­ers. The sci­en­tists are analysing videos of match­es avail­able on broad­cast­ing plat­forms online and attempt­ing to iden­ti­fy pat­terns of play based on datasets con­tain­ing rel­a­tive­ly short (four to five strokes on aver­age) but com­plex (some twen­ty descrip­tors per stroke) sequences of rack­et strokes. They have their work cut out in the run-up to this sum­mer’s 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. 

In a table ten­nis match, play­ers take turns hit­ting the ball with their rack­et and bounc­ing it off the oppo­nen­t’s side of the table – except when serv­ing, when the ball must bounce off both sides. A ral­ly is lost if a play­er fails to return the ball in accor­dance with these rules. A play­er wins a set when 11 points or more are reached, with a dif­fer­ence of two points between the opponents.

Analysing winning stroke combinations

In their work, the researchers led by Romain Vuille­mot, analyse the posi­tion of the play­ers, the way they move dur­ing a stroke, and the move­ment and tra­jec­to­ry of the ball. The sci­en­tists are focus­ing on analysing win­ning stroke com­bi­na­tions to char­ac­terise play­er tac­tics. Accord­ing to FFTT coach­es, a tac­tic con­sists of two con­sec­u­tive strokes for one of the play­ers, which means that in a ral­ly, it is played in three con­sec­u­tive strokes for both play­ers. The serv­ing play­er con­trols the first two strokes of the game, then hits the ball back to the oppo­nent in a way to poten­tial­ly win the point. Exchanges beyond the first three strokes are inter­est­ing tech­ni­cal­ly and can take prece­dence over tactics.

Find­ing use­ful tac­tics in this way is not lim­it­ed to table ten­nis com­pe­ti­tions but can also be applied to oth­er sports such as foot­ball and box­ing, even though these involve much more phys­i­cal con­tact between play­ers. In foot­ball, how­ev­er, a sequence is defined as a list of sev­er­al con­sec­u­tive moves made by the same play­er or moves by dif­fer­ent play­ers at the same time. In a table ten­nis match, the sequences are actu­al­ly a ral­ly (and there­fore high­ly syn­chro­nous). Thus, in a series of con­sec­u­tive table ten­nis shots, the two play­ers appear alter­nate­ly in a sequence. This means that there is a strong cor­re­spon­dence between the sequence of strokes and the play­er, with actions/reactions, antic­i­pa­tions, and dominations.

The researchers analysed the sequence of strokes in a ral­ly until it was won by one of the two play­ers. A sequence has the fol­low­ing structure:

  • A serve (from the right or left side) that hits one of the nine pos­si­ble impact zones on the oppo­nen­t’s side of the table.
  • A sequence of strokes described by the type of stroke (con­trol, attack, or push), whether it is a back­hand or fore­hand stroke and the impact zone of the ball.

Oth­er descrip­tors are also analysed, such as spin, tech­nique, and play­er position.

A tailor-made algorithm

Using a new algo­rithm that they devel­oped in their lab­o­ra­to­ry, the researchers con­struct­ed a graph rep­re­sent­ing a set of ral­lies based on visu­al data from a video. The nodes of the graph rep­re­sent the moves, and its edges rep­re­sent the tran­si­tions between moves. The nodes are ordered so that ral­lies are “read” from left to right: the left­most node is the serve, and the right­most node is the win­ner of the rally. 

“By analysing the move­ments of each play­er, the move­ments of the rack­et and the tra­jec­to­ries of the ball on the table, we can clas­si­fy the type of stroke into dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories and analyse what hap­pens dur­ing each point,” explains Romain Vuille­mot. “We then try to under­stand the strat­e­gy behind a giv­en stroke. To do this, we need to under­stand what the play­er is doing in gen­er­al and how his oppo­nent is react­ing, that is, has he adapt­ed to his com­peti­tor’s game? This is a very com­plex task, but our graphs already allow us to iden­ti­fy poten­tial­ly effec­tive sequences. We then need to con­tex­tu­alise these results, par­tic­u­lar­ly in terms of the score or the dom­i­nance of one of the play­ers”. Tac­ti­cal­ly inter­est­ing points are often few and far between, but they are often deci­sive in explain­ing a victory. 

How to adopt a winning strategy?

The results of the analy­ses will pro­vide play­ers, and their coach­es, with the infor­ma­tion they need to under­stand and adapt to the game of their oppo­nents, and thus improve their own strategies.

What we have found is that the tac­tics adopt­ed depend on each play­er and their style of play,” explains Aymer­ic Erades, a doc­tor­al stu­dent work­ing on the project with Romain Vuille­mot. “What’s inter­est­ing is that a giv­en play­er won’t always play in the same way. The idea is there­fore to detect all the pos­si­ble play com­bi­na­tions and then to under­stand the ones that will be used dur­ing the game, par­tic­u­lar­ly against an oppo­nent whose strengths, weak­ness­es, and gen­er­al style of play we are famil­iar with.” 

To date, the researchers have analysed around 30 match­es in their entire­ty and are in the process of analysing a fur­ther 70. “This num­ber could increase in the run up to the Olympic Games this sum­mer since table ten­nis play­ers are busy get­ting ready for their match­es and coach­es are ask­ing us to pro­vide them with addi­tion­al data on new oppo­nents,” explains Aymer­ic Erades. 

“Between now and the sum­mer, we hope to have obtained tac­ti­cal analy­ses of all the poten­tial oppo­nents that the French team is like­ly to encounter to under­stand how they play and ulti­mate­ly com­mu­ni­cate this infor­ma­tion to the fed­er­a­tion so that our play­ers have the best chances of beat­ing their oppo­nents,” adds Romain Vuillemot. 

Isabelle Dumé


Explor­ing Table Ten­nis Ana­lyt­ics: Dom­i­na­tion, Expect­ed Score and Shot Diver­si­ty. Machine Learn­ing and Data Min­ing for Sports Ana­lyt­ics work­shop MLSA, 2023

Visu­al Analy­sis of Table Ten­nis Game Tac­tics. Journée Visu 2023, 22 juin 2023, Saclay (France)

Pierre Dulu­ard, Xin­qing Li, Marc Plante­vit, Céline Robardet, Romain Vuille­mot. Dis­cov­er­ing and Visu­al­iz­ing Tac­tics in a Table Ten­nis Game Based on Sub­group Dis­cov­ery. ECML/PKDD 2022 Work­shop, Greno­ble, France, 2022. hal-03768114

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