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Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan 1
π Space π Geopolitics

Space security: the impossible consensus between powers

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Director of the Centre for Security, Strategy & Technology at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi
david Benatia
π Energy π Economics

Gas: a sustainable upward trend

David Benatia, Assistant Professor of Economics at ENSAE (IP Paris) and HEC Montréal
Véronique Steyer
π Digital π Science and technology

Why we need ‘explainable’ AI

Véronique Steyer, Associate Professor in Innovation Management at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Louis Vuarin, Postdoctoral fellow in SES department of Telecom Paris (I3-CNRS, IP Paris), Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, Associate Professor of Innovation Management at HEC and researcher at GREGHEC
π Economics

Public debt: reduce or write off?

Patrick Artus, Head Economist at Natixis
Julien Prat
π Economics

Finance: no more middlemen?

Julien Prat, Researcher at CNRS, CREST and École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Samy Lakhal
π Science and technology π Society

Can beauty be quantified?

Samy Lakhal, PhD student of the Econophysics & Complex Systems Chair (LadHyX) at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Michael Benzaquen, Researcher at INSIS-CNRS and holder of the “Econophysics & Complex Systems” chair at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
π Economics

Tax inheritance more to reduce income tax?

Bertrand Garbinti, Lecturer at CREST/ENSAE (IP Paris)
Pierre Berret
π Energy

Salt caverns: the key to storing hydrogen?

Pierre Bérest, Emeritus Professor at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Julia Pongratz
π Planet

“Benefits of planting trees are grossly overestimated”

Julia Pongratz, Professor of Physical Geography at LMU Munich, Stephen Woroniecki, Post-doctoral researcher in sustainability science at Linköping University
π Economics

Will there be a “post-covid” economy?

Patrick Artus, Head Economist at Natixis