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Laurent Catoire
π Industry π Planet

“Public opinion is a major obstacle to underground CO2 storage”

Laurent Catoire, Head of Chemistry and Processes Unit at ENSTA Paris (IP Paris)
Pierre-Marie Lledo
π Society π Neuroscience

Morality, a by-product of natural selection?

Pierre-Marie Lledo, Research Director at CNRS, Head of Department at Institut Pasteur, and member of the European Academy of Sciences
Kim Pham
π Science and technology

Invisibility is just around the corner

Kim Pham, Associate Professor in Mechanics at ENSTA Paris (IP Paris)
Pierre Henriquet
π Space

A (very) brief history of infinity

Pierre Henriquet, Doctor in Nuclear Physics and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
Jean-Pierre Pervès
π Energy

What are the CO2 emissions of nuclear power?

Jean-Pierre Pervès, Former President of CEA and French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN)
Clément Gilbert
π Health and biotech

Can viruses interfere with our genome?

Clément Gilbert, CNRS Research Fellow in Genetics at Université Paris-Saclay
Luc Rouban
π Society

Mistrust of science or distrust in democracy?

Luc Rouban, CNRS Research director at Cevipof
Jean-Pierre Gattuso
π Planet

“We are reaching the ocean’s limits as a climate safeguard”

Jean-Pierre Gattuso, CNRS Research Director in Oceanography at Sorbonne Université and IDDRI-Sciences Po    , Alexandre Magnan, Senior Researcher in "Adaptation to Climate Change" at Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI-Sciences Po)
Pierre Henriquet
π Space π Planet π Videos

How the Sun's “seasons” affect our planet's atmosphere

Pierre Henriquet, Doctor in Nuclear Physics and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
Andrew Steele
π Health and biotech π Society

Are we really doomed to grow old and die?

Andrew Steele, PhD in physics from the University of Oxford, Science Writer and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights