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How to recycle CO2 using cold plasma 

Olivier Guaitella
research engineer at the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP*)
Key takeaways
  • Cold plasmas could play an important role in the recovery and recycling of CO2.
  • Cold plasmas are the only medium in which CO2 molecules can be preferentially excited to make them more reactive.
  • The efficiency of the plasma-induced CO2 conversion is not so much limited by the dissociation of C-O bonds but rather by the so-called “reverse reaction” processes.
  • This reverse reaction can be avoided by coupling cold plasmas to catalysts, liquid solvents, or ionic membranes.
  • CO2 recovery technologies could become economically and energetically viable if CO2 emissions were taxed more heavily.

Plas­mas, and in par­tic­u­lar cold plas­mas, could play an impor­tant role in the recov­ery and recy­cling of CO2. Olivi­er Guaitel­la and col­leagues at the Lab­o­ra­toire de physique des plas­mas (LPP1) are work­ing on the acti­va­tion of CO2 using these plas­mas and its con­ver­sion into mol­e­cules with high­er ener­gy den­si­ty. This makes it pos­si­ble to recy­cle CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere.

Even if we suc­ceed in reduc­ing CO2 emis­sions, which remains the pri­or­i­ty, the indus­tries we depend on today, such as steel works, cement plants and glass fac­to­ries, will con­tin­ue to emit this green­house gas – at least for the fore­see­able future. Rather than bury­ing the CO2 in under­ground seques­tra­tion fields, which is a tech­ni­cal­ly com­plex process that acid­i­fies soil and leaves future gen­er­a­tions with the prob­lem of stored CO2 on their hands, the idea is to try to cap­ture the emit­ted CO2 and recy­cle it by con­vert­ing it into high­er ener­gy den­si­ty mol­e­cules, such as ethanol or methanol. This approach also pro­vides a solu­tion for stor­ing renew­able ener­gy in chem­i­cal form that can be trans­port­ed and used when needed.

For recy­cling, one tech­nique is to hydro­genate CO2, but there is a prob­lem to over­come here: CO2 is an extreme­ly sta­ble mol­e­cule that does not react well chem­i­cal­ly with hydro­gen or with oth­er atoms or mol­e­cules. There are there­fore sev­er­al tech­niques for either reduc­ing CO2 emis­sions at source, or for con­vert­ing or trap­ping it. These include con­ven­tion­al ther­mal catal­y­sis in which CO2 and hydro­gen are heat­ed togeth­er in the pres­ence of a cat­a­lyst; elec­trol­y­sis; ther­mal crack­ing in solar fur­naces, for exam­ple; and the use of plants such as oilseed rape and sug­ar beet or algae that feed on CO2 to con­vert CO2 emis­sions into biofuel.

A new solution: cold plasmas

As physi­cists, Olivi­er Guaitel­la and col­leagues are work­ing on anoth­er approach using cold plas­mas. Plas­mas are gas­es that have been ionised with an elec­tric field so that they con­tain pos­i­tive ions and elec­trons. Cold plas­mas are only par­tial­ly ionised – typ­i­cal­ly only one in 10,000 par­ti­cles in the gas is ionised. The spe­cial fea­ture of this type of plas­ma (also called “non-ther­mal” plas­ma) is that the elec­trons, ions and neu­tral atoms in the gas are not at the same tem­per­a­ture. Cold plas­mas are there­fore the only medi­um in which CO2 mol­e­cules can be pref­er­en­tial­ly excit­ed to make them more reac­tive, with­out wast­ing pre­cious ener­gy heat­ing up the whole gas.

Cold plas­ma allows us to gen­er­ate chem­i­cal reac­tions that can­not be achieved by sim­ply heat­ing the gas.

In a cold plas­ma, some of the elec­trons pro­duced have high ener­gy but the gas remains at rel­a­tive­ly low tem­per­a­tures. These elec­trons are capa­ble of break­ing the bonds of CO2 mol­e­cules or excit­ing these bonds. “Cold plas­mas are what we call an out-of-ther­mo­dy­nam­ic-equi­lib­ri­um medi­um,” explains Olivi­er Guaitel­la. “This medi­um allows us to gen­er­ate chem­i­cal reac­tions that we can­not obtain by sim­ply heat­ing the gas, because it allows us to exceed ther­mo­dy­nam­ic limits.”

“What we are try­ing to do is to use the few elec­trons that have a lot of ener­gy to excite the vibra­tions of the CO2 mol­e­cule. If we can trans­fer enough ener­gy to these vibra­tions, the CO2 mol­e­cule will become reac­tive to oth­er mol­e­cules with a min­i­mum of ener­gy expenditure.”

Avoiding the “reverse reaction”

To gen­er­ate the plas­ma, the researchers use elec­tri­cal ener­gy – ide­al­ly from renew­able sources – to accel­er­ate the elec­trons in the gas, which then trans­fer ener­gy to the vibra­tions in the CO2 mol­e­cule. “Once we’ve man­aged to do that, we can try to react the CO2 mol­e­cule with green hydro­gen (which can come from process­es like elec­trol­y­sis) or methane (which can come from fer­men­ta­tion of bio­log­i­cal waste, for exam­ple) to con­vert the CO2 into methane, methanol or oth­er hydrocarbons. »

What real­ly lim­its the effi­cien­cy of plas­ma-induced CO2 con­ver­sion is not so much the dis­so­ci­a­tion of C‑O bonds, as this process works well, but rather the so-called “reverse reac­tion” process­es, which must be avoid­ed at all costs, explains Olivi­er Guaitel­la. “Once we have split the CO2 mol­e­cule into car­bon monox­ide (CO) and an oxy­gen atom (O), we must pre­vent this oxy­gen atom from recom­bin­ing with the CO to reform CO2,” he explains. “If this hap­pens, the effi­cien­cy of the CO2 trans­for­ma­tion process is great­ly reduced.”

There are sev­er­al ways of avoid­ing this reac­tion: by cou­pling cold plas­mas with cat­a­lysts; liq­uid sol­vents; or ion­ic mem­branes (mate­ri­als that allow the con­tin­u­ous extrac­tion of the oxy­gen atoms formed). “In our team, we are study­ing these three approach­es in par­al­lel,” stress­es Olivi­er Guaitella.

Optimising the recovery of CO2

There are also dif­fer­ent ways of ignit­ing the plas­ma. One of the plas­ma sources used at LPP – for fun­da­men­tal research pur­pos­es only – are “glow dis­charges” (sim­i­lar to those used in flu­o­res­cent neon tubes used for light­ing). The advan­tage of these dis­charges is that they can be eas­i­ly com­pared with numer­i­cal mod­els to bet­ter under­stand the behav­iour of CO2 plas­mas, a very com­plex medi­um in itself. How­ev­er, glow dis­charges are not very effi­cient at con­vert­ing CO2. “One idea to improve effi­cien­cy is to use pulsed radio fre­quen­cy dis­charges gen­er­at­ing elec­tric fields that typ­i­cal­ly oscil­late in the 13–56 MHz range,” explains Olivi­er Guaitel­la. “These plas­mas allow us to achieve high elec­tron den­si­ties while hav­ing a suf­fi­cient­ly low aver­age elec­tric field to opti­mise the exci­ta­tion of the CO2 vibrations.”

We have built a demon­stra­tor that shows that we are able to achieve CO2 methani­sa­tion with such radio fre­quen­cy discharges.

“On this theme, we cur­rent­ly have a project under­way, ini­tial­ly financed by the Paris IP and now by the SATT Paris Saclay,” he says. “It is not strict­ly speak­ing at the pro­to­type stage, in the sense that we can­not yet oper­ate it on an indus­tri­al site. How­ev­er, we have built a demon­stra­tor on a scale already larg­er than our lab­o­ra­to­ry reac­tors. This demon­stra­tor, devel­oped notably by doc­tor­al stu­dent Edmond Barat­te, shows that we can car­ry out the methani­sa­tion of CO2 with such radiofre­quen­cy discharges.”

“CO2 recy­cling presents both soci­etal and tech­no­log­i­cal chal­lenges. Although there are sev­er­al tech­nolo­gies for recov­er­ing CO2, none of them are cur­rent­ly eco­nom­i­cal­ly and ener­get­i­cal­ly viable. How­ev­er, they could become so if CO2 emis­sions into the atmos­phere were taxed more heav­i­ly. This would encour­age large pol­luters to invest more in CO2 recy­cling facil­i­ties. These are polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic choic­es, however.”

Isabelle Dumé


  • PIONEER project
  • PLAS­MA­Science Grad­u­ate School
  • E4C (Energy4Climate)
  • C Fro­mentin et al 2023. Study of vibra­tional kinet­ics of CO 2 and CO in CO 2 –O 2 plas­mas under non-equi­lib­ri­um con­di­tions. Plas­ma Sources Sci. Tech­nol. 32 024001
  • C. Fro­mentin, T. Sil­va, T. C. Dias, E. Barat­te, O. Guaitel­la, V. Guer­ra. Val­i­da­tion of non-equi­lib­ri­um kinet­ics in CO2-N2 plas­mas. arXiv:2301.08938v1 
  • Sil­va, T., Moril­lo-Can­das, A. S., Guaitel­la, O., & Guer­ra, V. (2021). Mod­el­ing the time evo­lu­tion of the dis­so­ci­a­tion frac­tion in low-pres­sure CO2 plas­mas. Jour­nal of CO2 Uti­liza­tion53, 101719
  • Bogaerts, A., Neyts, E. C., Guaitel­la, O., & Mur­phy, A. B. (2022). Foun­da­tions of plas­ma catal­y­sis for envi­ron­men­tal appli­ca­tions. Plas­ma Sources Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy31(5), 053002
1*LPP: a joint research unit of CNRS, École Poly­tech­nique – Insti­tut Poly­tech­nique de Paris, Obser­va­toire de Paris, Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty, Uni­ver­sité Paris-Saclay



Olivier Guaitella

research engineer at the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP*)

Olivier Guaitella is a research engineer at the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP*). After a PhD in plasma physics at the École Polytechnique, he collaborated with and worked in many companies, such as PREMiERE. He obtained his habilitation to direct research in 2018.

*LPP: a joint research unit CNRS, École Polytechnique - Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Université, Université Paris-Saclay

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