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Plasma: a future fuel for satellites 

Pascal Chabert, CNRS Research Director at the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP*) and Lecturer at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
On December 6th, 2022 |
3 min reading time
Pascal Chabert
CNRS Research Director at the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP*) and Lecturer at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Key takeaways
  • Cold plasmas with a low degree of ionisation can be used for satellite propulsion.
  • To do this, a gas must be ionised to obtain positive ions that are then accelerated, an approach that allows for lower fuel consumption.
  • However, the flux of positive ions exiting the satellite must be neutralised, to avoid an excess of positive charge.
  • The PEGASES project makes use of a plasma containing both positive and negative ions, alternately accelerated in space.
  • The project has identified iodine, as an alternative to the usually employed xenon, as the ideal gas from which to create the propulsion plasma.

One of the main appli­ca­tions of plas­mas – which are ionised gas­es – is in semi­con­duc­tor etch­ing for micro­elec­tron­ics. Through their exper­i­men­tal, the­o­ret­i­cal and sim­u­la­tion work, Pas­cal Chabert and his team have dis­cov­ered that this state of mat­ter, and in par­tic­u­lar cold plas­mas (which have a low degree of ion­i­sa­tion), can be used for satel­lite propulsion.

More speed, less fuel

“We realised that there are strong sim­i­lar­i­ties between what we are try­ing to do when we want to pro­pel a satel­lite – that is, cre­ate ions and accel­er­ate them – and the etch­ing of semi­con­duc­tors for micro­elec­tron­ics,” explains Pas­cal Chabert. “Instead of accel­er­at­ing the ions against a sur­face, as is the case for etch­ing, we can accel­er­ate them into free space for satel­lite propulsion.”

The more you accel­er­ate ions at high speed, the bet­ter, because this allows for low­er fuel consumption.

“The more you accel­er­ate the ions to a high­er speed, the bet­ter, because this allows for low­er fuel con­sump­tion,” he adds. For propul­sion appli­ca­tions, a gas must first be ionised to pro­duce pos­i­tive ions that are then accel­er­at­ed. How­ev­er, you also need an elec­tron cath­ode to neu­tralise the pos­i­tive flux exit­ing the satel­lite, to avoid an excess of pos­i­tive charge. “In micro­elec­tron­ics, we are faced with the same prob­lem: a charge to neu­tralise,” explains Pas­cal Chabert. “It is the elec­trons that charge the sur­face when the ions are accel­er­at­ed. This charge gen­er­ates defects in the def­i­n­i­tion of the etch­ing pat­terns because the tra­jec­to­ry of the ions is disturbed.”

The PEGASES project 

To over­come this neu­tral­i­sa­tion prob­lem in thrusters, the LPP researchers, inspired by tech­niques used in etch­ing, decid­ed to try and cre­ate a plas­ma that would con­tain both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive ions, and to alter­nate­ly accel­er­ate these two types of ions into free space. This approach elim­i­nates the need for an elec­tron-emit­ting cath­ode to neu­tralise the flow of pos­i­tive ions.

This project is called PEGASES (Plas­ma Propul­sion with Elec­troneg­a­tive GASES), the first pro­to­type of which saw the light of day at LPP end 2007. “This con­cept led us to think about the best pos­si­ble fuels for PEGASES,” explains Pas­cal Chabert. “We need­ed a fuel capa­ble of pro­duc­ing both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive ions and it turns out that iodine (I2) is the best can­di­date. This mol­e­cule can be cleaved to gen­er­ate the plus (+) and minus (-) ions.”

A pioneer in the study of plasmas 

“The PEGASES con­cept did not attract much atten­tion from the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty at the time, but the project was not com­plete­ly in vain since it allowed us to, among oth­er things, iden­ti­fy iodine as the ide­al gas from which to cre­ate the propul­sion plas­ma (instead of the usu­al employed xenon),” adds the pro­fes­sor. “More­over, a post-doc­tor­al stu­dent, Ane Aanes­land, who came to work in our lab­o­ra­to­ry, found­ed the start-up ThrustMe in 2017, which com­mer­cialis­es iodine propul­sion sys­tems to pow­er small satellites.”

Pas­cal Chabert’s lab­o­ra­to­ry has become a pio­neer in the study of iodine plas­mas for propul­sion, through the con­cept of alter­na­tive ion accel­er­a­tion. The team’s rep­u­ta­tion has been fur­ther strength­ened thanks to research car­ried out as part of an ANR indus­tri­al chair held by team mem­ber Anne Bour­don with Safran Énergie on the sim­u­la­tion tools and Hall effect plas­ma thrusters that the com­pa­ny is developing.

Elec­tric propul­sion con­sists of ion­is­ing a gas and accel­er­at­ing it with­in an elec­tric field, in a machine the size of a teapot.

“The basic idea of elec­tric propul­sion is to ionise a gas and then accel­er­ate it with­in an elec­tric field, in a machine the size of a teapot,” explains Pas­cal Chabert. “The elec­tri­cal pow­er varies from 1 to 10 kW to pro­duce thrusts that are very low – of the order of mN, which is less than when I blow out a can­dle. It’s very low, but for a satel­lite in a fric­tion­less orbit, it’s enough to cor­rect or change its orbit.”

The main advan­tage of ion­ic propul­sion over chem­i­cal propul­sion (which is used to pro­pel rock­ets and, until recent­ly, was also used on board satel­lites) is that the speed of fuel ejec­tion is much high­er. Fuel con­sump­tion is there­fore much lower.

Chem­i­cal propul­sion vs. elec­tric propulsion

The propul­sion of any space­craft relies on obtain­ing a force by accel­er­at­ing and eject­ing a mass. In the case of chem­i­cal rock­ets, this thrust is achieved by rapid­ly eject­ing large mass­es of mate­r­i­al, allow­ing them to escape the grav­i­ta­tion­al pull of the Earth and reach space. How­ev­er, chem­i­cal rock­ets are very expen­sive because of the lit­er­al­ly astro­nom­i­cal amounts of ener­gy they con­sume. They are there­fore not ide­al for long inter­plan­e­tary mis­sions or for keep­ing a satel­lite in orbit.

The ejec­tion speed of the elec­tric propul­sion is about 30–50 km/s with an on-board fuel load 10 times low­er than that required in the chem­i­cal method. The thrust is rel­a­tive­ly low, how­ev­er, and it there­fore can­not be used to escape the Earth’s grav­i­ta­tion. The accel­er­a­tion pro­duced is suf­fi­cient for inter­plan­e­tary mis­sions though.

Isabelle Dumé

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